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Installation Guide

Get started with RustyNum by following this installation guide. Whether you're using Python for data analysis or contributing to the core library, this page covers everything you need.

✅ Supported Platforms and Versions

Supported Python Versions

  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows: x86
  • Linux: x86
  • MacOS: x86 & ARM (Apple Silicon support)

📦 Installation Options

The easiest way to install RustyNum is via PyPI:

pip install rustynum

Using Poetry

To install RustyNum using Poetry, run:

poetry add rustynum

Using Rye

To add RustyNum to your Rye project:

rye add rustynum

Using Conda

To install RustyNum in a conda environment, first activate your environment and then use pip:

conda activate your-environment
pip install rustynum

Verify the Installation

Test your installation by running the following Python code:

import rustynum as rnp

a = rnp.zeros([2, 3])

If the installation is successful, you should see the output:

[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]]